Here we go again. Rainy Tuesday and no morning emails. On the bright side, I have a phone full of podcasts and the Cincinnati Reds are playing this morning. Coffee was consumed, the newspaper was read, and the crossword and Jumble were completed before 9am.
10:42 First editing job comes in. It's a short one. The Reds won while I was finishing it.
Lunch time. I answered the door and signed for something my wife ordered. Exciting times.
In a day and a half, I've made about $20.
The guy who helped me out yesterday just sent an email introducing my services to an acquaintance at another research institute. I'm going to have to buy him dinner soon.
Still nothing by 2 so I reached out to a few people just to touch base. More lines in the water... Golden State is leading Portland by one at the end of the third quarter. If it wasn't raining I would take a walk or head over to KAIST and chat with people.
How about Steph Curry? 40/9/8 in an OT win. Also, Gotham is an underrated show. Sorry, I digress...
I got a message from a client about a pre-workshop meeting next Monday. I'll pitch some new ideas to them and ask about some new contacts.
It's great to have free time. You get to watch cool videos like this.
At 3:45 I collaborated on tweaking my TESOL 2017 proposal with a frenemy. Frenemies don't pull punches and give blunt feedback that really helps. Googledocs works great for such things.
Around 4:30 I made an appointment to meet with a prospective client for lunch on Thursday in Cheonan. Stay tuned to see how that goes.
I received payment for a couple of jobs that were completed last month. Keeping up with your accounts receivable is a big part of freelancing.
Around dinner time I received a few more emails from people I had contacted saying hello but not needing any work at this time. It's important to keep in touch though. You need to stay fresh in people's minds because you never know what opportunity someone could recommend you for.
That's it for today unless a late request comes in. I'm posting this around 7pm.