When I first decided to try to be on Korean TV I found out that I needed some photographs but putting a portfolio together was very expensive. I asked a friend who was an amateur photographer from Indonesia if he could take some photos for me. One I had a portfolio I submitted it and some voice recordings in both Korean and English. I got accepted for an audition to be on a talent show. I made it through the audition and was invited to the first shooting but they didn't use me. Personally, I think it was because I was the only South-East Asian person who tried out.
Two weeks later they called me to participate as an audience member on the show. The payment was small, almost nothing. Then they called me to do it again. After that I realized they need more audience members. I offered to help them find audience members for free using Facebook to contact my friends. Every shooting I found around 20 people and deep down in my heart I knew one day they would not say be able to say no to me if I asked for a bigger role because I had worked so hard and had been so helpful to them. I knew that one day they would ask me to participate as one of the main cast members and after 6 months I was invited onto a survival show, won 3rd place, and was the only participant that got more chances to be on the program. My hard work paid off but none of it would have been possible if I hadn’t had a friend who could help me make an audition portfolio.
If you have a networking story to share, please send it to [email protected].