Person One has been a friend for more than five years. He and I have worked together on large-scale volunteer projects and brainstormed ways to break away from salaried work over a few beers on numerous occasions. He has shared proofreading jobs with me and that has led to valuable contacts within the translator network in Korea. Most recently he passed my name on to a friend who was looking for someone to run a workshop at his university so that I had my first new client one week after finishing my contract at KAIST. Thank you, my friend.
Person Two recognized my potential and has been championing my project ideas for three years. She fought for financing and approval to help me undertake projects that have helped to bolster my CV. Even now, she contacts me for editing jobs and smaller projects that could turn into bigger projects if I do a good job. The ball is in my court and I couldn't ask for more than that. Thank you, my friend.
Person Three has only been a friend for about a year but has quickly become a close confidant during that time. He has shared his contacts with me and recommended me to a government organization that has become my first big client. He has gone to bat for me with several other potential clients and has promised to continue to do so as my new company grows. Thank you, my friend.
I hope that I can be a angel for the people in my network who I trust and respect. I know how difficult it can be to put your professional reputation on the line and give someone your seal of approval. 2016 is going to be an exciting year and I would like to thank all of my friends who have helped me along the way. Your support and encouragement is what gave me the audacity needed to cut the cord and go out on my own. Truthfully, I'm really not on my own with so many good friends in my corner. It really is who you know...